

The shoe making art in Veneto dates back to the very ancient tradition of the Calegheri School which was founded in Venice in 1278 and enjoyed its splendour in the late 18th century with about 340 shops.

Mr. Lelio Pegoraro was born into a family of shoe masters. Since his childhood he used to attend his grandfather’s workshop and play with pliers, pincers, hammers and uppers in front of the small workbench,that’s the reason why shoe manufacturing is something natural to him.

When he was a young boy his greatest desire was to match the skill of his ancestors, the technique and the exceptional craftsmanship that he had been used to admire for years in his grandfather and his father who had managed to create were able to create shoes e of extraordinary craftsmanship and beauty with immediacy, spontaneity and creativity.
The Italian Shoe is the brand with which Mr. Lelio wanted to encompass and express the centuries-old shoemaking tradition of his family, the precious heritage of his ancestors which perpetuates the memories and teachings of a lifetime.

In The Italian Shoe footwear the Italian style is preserved intact, without contamination by fads, with its unmistakable quality of leathers, the meticulous care for detail and the unique taste that only a shoe made by expert hands and eyes can give. Good taste of past times, elegance, timeless lines: these are the characteristics of "The Italian Shoe" customized footwear.